• 22-Apr-2016, 08:39

Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients

  • Color chart name:Hair colour professinonal chart
  • Brand:Moda&Styling™
  • Manufacturer:UANS International Inc.

Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients



Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients
Elgon professional hair color chart, instructions, ingredients


The dyes are mixed with oxy-creams Elgon® 5, 10, 20, 30 vol. in the standard ratio of 1: 1 and kept on the hair for 35 minutes classic staining. The dyes are mixed with oxy-creams Elgon® 30 and 40 vol. in the standard ratio of 1: 2 and kept on the hair for 45 minutes before the super clarifying staining. By using dyes follow the classic hair coloring technology.

Prepare the client by spreading some stain barrier cream around the hairline. Wear suitable disposable gloves, then evenly distribute the color mixture on dry, unwashed hair. At the end of the application time, rinse thoroughly with warm water and then proceed with the three post-color steps of the
The following nuances are to be mixed with developer cream in a 1:1 ratio as follows:


Peroxide Application times Tones lifted
10 volumes 20 minutes 0-1
20 volumes 35-40 minutes 1-2
30 volumes 40-45 minutes 2-3

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